Various types of construction are available to suit the style of home or building required and the site that it is to be built on. For example double brick, brick veneer or timber frame with various claddings such as fibre cement sheets. Other considerations are aerated blocks or concrete blocks or lightweight composite panels.
The type of construction chosen can also depend on the type of soil or rock upon which the structure is being built. If the home or building is close to the ocean with water under the ground, double brick could not be used unless an Engineer can design special foundations with piers and beams. A structurally sound foundation will be required to be constructed when for example building on shale, certain soil types or a sloping site.
Thorough planning is required in choosing the type of construction that will be used for your house, extension or building. Talk it through with your builder and Engineer before proceeding with the plans to help make the right decision for your needs. Thoroughly check out costs to supply, transport and’ lift’ the materials to your building site. Also carefully check a necessity availability of properly skilled tradesmen to do your job. A good idea is also to visit homes all buildings that have been built with your selected type of construction to confirm, that you approve the final finish, as well as the thermal and acoustic performances.