When applying For your Owner Builder Permit in NSW, evidence that you have met the owner-builder education requirements must be shown.
Requirements include:
1. For any work requiring an Owner Builder Permit, you must hold a current general construction induction training card (Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011) also referred to as the WorkCover White Card or a WorkCover Statement of Training. This White Card is also a pre-requisite to completing the 5 Units of Competency as shown below.
2. When the Owner Builder Work is over $25,000 in value, evidence that you have met the education requirement which consists of the following 5 Units of Competency:
- CPCCOHS2001A - Apply OHS, requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
- CPCCCM2001A - Read and interpret plans and specifications
- CPCCCM1011A - Undertake basic estimation and costing
- CPCCCM1013A - Plan and organise work
- CPCCCM1014A - Conduct workplace communications
The Units of Competency offered through the Building Centre Network are provided by a Fair Trading Approved and Registered Training Organisation.
ENROL and PAY NOW to start the Approved Course, from one of two ways :
Study on your computer, LOGIN andComplete the Assessments all online. Once logged in, all the information required to study and complete the 5 Units of Competency is provided.
This means that you can study when it suit you and complete the course at your own pace.
A Course Booklet can be purchased for an additional $55
The Online version provides the course material in 15 different languages.
The Assessments are completed Online, and you obtain instant feedback as you go. Just correct any errors, and you are done !
>> ON LINE, ENROL NOW, simply CLICK HERE. If you have any trouble enrolling online, call 0403 066 603.
BY CORRESPONDENCE - Hard Copy, only $240 (including postage) :
The Study Guide Manual you will receive, consists of 660 pages !
The Hard Copy Study Guide allows you to complete the course where you may have limited access to a computer or the Internet, or you just do not feel competent at using a computer.
Some people prefer to sit and read the hard copy course material. The Manual will also become an invaluable reference guide to help you manage your building project.
You complete the 'Assessment Questions' Online formats.
>> BY CORRESPONDENCE, ENROL NOW, simply CICK HERE. If you have any trouble enrolling online, call 0403 066 603.
SUPPORT IS INCLUDED : FREE telephone or email support throughout the entire course and during your building project by the Provider.
Study and learn as much as possible from the informative course materials. They are intended to educate and guide you around the complexities, compliance needs and procedures of owner building. The more you can learn, the less likely you are to make costly or dangerous mistakes, or to be taken for a ride by the more knowledgeable and experienced building industry tradesmen.
1. YOUR USI (Unique Student Identifier).
Email us your USI, to courses at buildingcentre dot com . If you do not have one, please register and create one at CLICK HERE.
2. YOUR OH&S White Card.
If you hold an OHS White Card issued after March 2003, simply scan and email a copy to us of your certificate to courses at buildingcentre dot com.
If you do not have the OHS Unit CPCCOHS1001A work safely in the construction industry. we can help you find an approved 'class room' course provider.