Quality insurance protection for your trade
Tradesman have a significant insurance responsibilities when working on site, as well as to protect themselves. Being mostly self-employed, it is a lot of responsibility and important to get cost-effective insurance that will give you the maximum protection. Insurance needs and risks can vary for the different trades, e.g. carpenters, brick layers, electricians, roofers, scaffolders, form workers etc. We can help you with value for money insurance with greater scope and value coverage for your equipment, motor vehicle and on-site potential liabilities, as well as personal loss of income protection. Policies we offer are premium competitive, but provide a wider range of inclusions and higher coverage or protection amounts.
Liability + Accident + Sickness + Tools Insurance Protection This range of insurance protection is vital for tradesmen, if not mandatory, as well as providing peace of mind. This protects the Tradesmen during construction from fire, weather related perils, theft/burglary ,malicious damage ,workmanship issues and more. Most importantly it protects…
The Tradesmen undertaking the work is required to obtain Home Warranty Insurance for every project they undertake where the total work costs exceeds $12,000. The Owner of the property is the beneficiary of the Insurance. Any future Home Owner of that property within the statutory period is also protected. The…
Tradesmen Personal Accident & Sickness protection Insurance provides protection for you and up to another nine workers. What the Personal Accident & Sickness Insurance Protection covers: Up to 26 weeks cover benefit period Cover is eligible for persons between the ages of 18 to 60 years old Covers up to…
The benefits for Builders Machinery & Plant Insurance: If machine is deemed a total loss within 2 years of being new, the insurance covers replacement with new item to a similar model subject to Sum Insured being adequate Where machine is to be repaired, you will be paid up to…
Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance (Utes & 5-10 Tonne Trucks) This insurance covers Tradesmen for the use of their motor vehicle through their trade.