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An Owner Builder is a home or land owner who intends to build a Local Council approved new home, extension, major renovation, garage, swimming pool or minor works on their land. In NSW, VIC and WA there are Owner Builder responsibilities when selling your home in which Owner Builder work was undertaken in under 6 or 7 years after the issuing of a Practical Completion Certificate.

Course in New South Wales:

To obtain appropriate building knowledge, for Owner Building in NSW, you will need to successfully complete an Office of Fair Trading approved Owner Builder Course in order to obtain an Owner Builder Permit. See below how to enrol in an approved Owner Building Course.

Read more on the NSW - Owner Builder Course.

Courses in Victoria:

For aspiring Owner Builders in VIC, we can assist you with an informative 5 Module Owner Building Workshop Course covering different aspects such as Design Check, Estimating, Cost control plus Occupational Health & Safety, Off site co-ordination + Administration, On site supervision, Planning & Permits, Specification workshops on Contracts, Insurance, Materials & Systems, Identification, Product and Material information. Read more on the VIC - Owner Builder Course.

Undertaking Courses in ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA

It is compulsory to study an Owner Builder Course in ACT, NSW, QLD and TAS. (CLICK a State or Territory)

Although it is not compulsory to attend an Owner Building Course in SA, VIC and WA (CLICK a State), it is wise to do a course to gaon knowledge and vital insights to adequately learn and protect yourself when building and when selling, by attending an Owner Builder Course in your State if one is available. The knowledge you acquire can help you save money and minimise mistakes.

Owner Building can include approved work of any work (including supervision and co-ordination) involving the construction of, or alterations, repairs or additions to, a dwelling (which includes a house, terrace, town-house, garage, swimming pool and certain other structures and improvements), in many States where the value of labour and materials exceeds $16,000 to $20,000.

Enroll in an Owner Building Course through us.

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