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Documents to be attached to your application.

Documents required to be attached to your Application for a Certificate of Consent to Owner Build.

  • PROOF OF IDENTITY: A copy of your Driver's Licence or Passport;
  • PROOF OF COMPLETION OF ONLINE ASSESSMENT: The eLearning Certificate, proof that you have successfully completed the VBA's eLearning Assessment CLICK HERE
  • PROOF OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION INDUCTION TRAINING (if applicable): A copy of your White Card from a Victorian Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
    • A copy of the Certificate of Title (Register search statement)clearly stating the name(s) of the applicant(s) as the registered proprietors and the Plan of Subdivision of the property where the building works are to be taken place;
    • ASIC Company Statement (if applicable) and written authority of the body copporate;
    • Schedule from Deed of Trust (if applicable) and written authorisation of the Trust;
  • CO OWNER DETAILS: Change of Name document (if applicable). Signatures of the co-owners must be dated within 28 days of your application;
    • additional information to describe project (optional);
    • Planning Permit (f applicable);
  • OWNER  BUILDER WORK WITHIN 5 YEARS: information relating to work undertaken as an owner builder in the past 5 years.
    • Submission;
    • Owner Builder Building Permit;
    • Certificate of Consent; 
  • LEARNT KNOWLEDGE: (optional) Evidence that you have the prescribed knowledge of duties and responsibilities (e.g. a Certificate of Acknowledgement proof you have completed a course, CLICK HERE);
  • PAYMENT OF FEE: The (Non refundable) Application Lodgement Fee of $96.18 can be paid by credit card, cheque or Money Order.

If you expereince difficulty enrolling, do call 0433 233 388 or 0403 066 603

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